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论著.中医药与民族医药诊疗 | 更新时间:2024-08-27
Common rules of the clinical application of Traditional Chinese and Zhuang Medicines in Guangxi prestigious doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine based on data mining technique: an exploration study

广西医学 页码:1039-1046




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目的 采用数据挖掘技术总结广西名中医在临床中应用中药、壮药治疗疾病的共性规律。方法 检索《广西百名名中医百首验方》和中国知网数据库中各广西名中医的临床验方,构建方剂数据库。对检索到的方剂药物数据进行涉及病种分布分析、药物使用频次分析、关联规则分析、系统聚类分析、主成分因子分析和复杂网络分析。结果 共纳入99位广西名中医的临床验方149首,治疗病种涉及中医常见疾病。方剂涉及药物共333味,包括中药291味、壮药73味,中药与壮药重合药物31味。高频(使用频次≥14次)药物共20种,使用频次排名前5的中药为甘草、茯苓、白术、黄芪、当归,使用频次排名前5的壮药为陈皮、三七、鸡血藤、地龙、山药。通过关联规则分析得出12组核心药对组合、19组核心角药组合。系统聚类分析将高频药物分为5类。通过主成分因子分析提取8个公因子。复杂网络分析结果提示白术、茯苓、甘草之间的配伍关联最强。结论 广西地区多发消化系、气血津液系和肢体经络系疾病,多属本虚标实之型,医家临证常以中药、壮药共用,药物以道地药材居多,结合广西的地域特点和居民的体质特征因地制宜、辨证施治,治则以补虚、化湿为主,兼顾行气、利水、活血三法贯穿治疗始终。白术、茯苓、甘草是关联性最强的药物组合。

Objective To summarize the common rules of clinical application of Traditional Chinese and Zhuang Medicines for treating diseases in Guangxi prestigious doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine by employing data mining technique. Methods Clinical empirical prescriptions of various Guangxi prestigious doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine were retrieved from Hundred Empirical Prescriptions of Guangxi Hundred Prestigious Doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine and China National Knowledge Infrastructure database, and then database of prescriptions was established. Analyses of disease groups distribution concerned, drug use frequency, association rule, systematic cluster, principle component factors, and complex network were performed on the data of prescriptions and d+rugs retrieved. Results A total of 149 clinical empirical prescriptions of 99 Guangxi prestigious doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine were enrolled, which were used to treat diseases throughout the common diseases of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Prescriptions included 333 flavors of drugs in total, containing 291 flavors of Traditional Chinese Medicines, 73 flavors of Zhuang Medicines, 31 flavors of overlapping drugs with Traditional Chinese and Zhuang Medicines. There were 20 categories of high⁃frequency drugs (use frequency≥14 times) in total, and the top 5 most frequently used Traditional Chinese Medicines were licorice, Poria cocos, Atractylodes macrocephala, Astragalus membranaceus, and Angelica sinensis; furthermore, the top 5 most frequently used Zhuang Medicines were Citrus reticulata, Panax notoginseng, Caulis spatholobi, earthworm, and Rhizoma dioscoreae. Through association rule analysis, there were 12 groups of core drug pairs and 19 groups of core triple⁃combination medicines. The systematic cluster analysis had divided high⁃frequency drugs into 5 categories. The principle component factors analysis could extract 8 common factors. The results of complex network analysis interpreted that the combination of herbal ingredients between Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, and licorice exerted the strongest correlation. Conclusion Diseases of digestive system, qi⁃blood body fluids system, and limbs and meridians system in Guangxi regions frequently occurred, and syndromes mainly belong to deficiency in nature and excess in superficiality. Doctors often use Traditional Chinese and Zhuang Medicines to share clinical syndromes, and most of the drugs are local medicinal materials. Combined with regional characteristics and physical characteristics of residents in Guangxi, adjust measures to local conditions, syndrome differentiation and treatment were conducted, and the main therapeutic principle is tonifying deficiency and dispelling dampness, taking into account the three methods of moving qi, increasing urine excretion, and promoting blood circulation throughout treatment. The drug combination of Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, and licorice exert the strongest correlation. 






