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论著·临床研究 | 更新时间:2024-06-18
随机森林模型和 Logistic回归模型预测非计划再手术发生风险的效能比较
Comparison of efficiency between random forest model and Logistic regression model for predicting the occurrence risk of unscheduled resurgery

广西医学 页码:501-505




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目的 比较随机森林模型和Logistic 回归模型预测非计划再手术发生风险的效能。方法 在手术麻醉系统中筛选一次住院期间申请2次手术的患者信息。提取所有非计划再次手术患者(n=219)作为研究组,对应科室的计划再次手术患者(n=14 311)作为对照组。运用随机森林模型和Logistic回归模型建立非计划再手术预测模型。采用受试者工作特征曲线下面积评价两种模型的预测效能。结果 (1)Logistic回归分析结果显示,前次术中输血、罹患恶性肿瘤、合并疾病数量、前次手术切口愈合等级、前次手术级别、前次手术时长、前次手术切口类别是非计划再手术发生的影响因素(P<0.05)。Logistic 回归预测模型的曲线下面积为0.922,灵敏度、特异度、准确率分别为92.59%、79.11%、79.28%。(2)随机森林模型特征变量的重要性排序结果显示,前次手术切口类别、前次术中输血、前次手术级别、前次手术切口愈合等级、合并疾病数量、罹患恶性肿瘤等变量的重要性更靠前。随机森林预测模型的曲线下面积为0.866,灵敏度、特异度、准确率分别为80.00%、93.33%、86.66%。Logistic 回归预测模型曲线下面积大于随机森林预测模型,但差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。结论 综合使用Logistic回归模型和随机森林模型,并将二者分析结果互为补充,可从各个方面预测非计划再次手术的风险因素,能获得更好的预测效能。

Objective To compare the efficiency between random forest model and Logistic regression model for predicting the occurrence risk of unscheduled resurgery. Methods Patients' information who requested two⁃times surgery during one hospital stay was screened from the surgical anesthesia system. All patients undergoing unscheduled resurgery (n=219) were extracted as study group, whereas patients in the corresponding departments who underwent scheduled resurgery (n=14,311) were as control group. The unscheduled resurgery prediction model was established by the application of random forest model and Logistic regression model. The prediction efficiency of the two models was evaluated by employing area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Results (1) The results of Logistic regression analysis revealed that previous intraoperative blood transfusion, suffering from malignant tumor, number of comorbidity, previous healing classification of surgical incision, previous surgical level, previous surgical duration, previous category of surgical incision were the influencing factors for the occurrence of unscheduled resurgery (P<0.05). Area under the curve of Logistic regression prediction model was 0.922, and the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy rate were 92.59%, 79.11%, and 79.28%, respectively. (2) The results of importance ranking of characteristic variables in random forest model indicated that the importance of variables such as previous category of surgical incision, previous intraoperative blood transfusion, previous surgical level, previous healing classification of surgical incision, number of comorbidity, and suffering from malignant tumor came top in. Area under the curve of random forest prediction model was 0.866, and the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy rate were 80.00%, 93.33%, and 86.66%, respectively. Area under the curve of Logistic regression prediction model was larger than that of random forest prediction model, but no statistically significant difference was found (P>0.05). Conclusion Comprehensive use of Logistic regression model and random forest model, and complementing the results of the two analysis to each other, can predict the risk factors for unscheduled resurgery from various aspects, and obtain better prediction efficiency.






