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论著.中医药与民族医药诊疗 | 更新时间:2024-02-26
Rules of acupoint selection of acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis: an exploration based on data mining technique

广西医学 2023第45卷23期 页码:2842-2847+2860




  • 中文简介
  • 英文简介
  • 参考文献

目的运用数据挖掘技术探究针灸治疗慢性肾小球肾炎(CGN)的选穴规律。方法检索中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普资讯中文期刊服务平台、中国生物医学文献服务系统、PubMed、Embase、The Cochrane Library等数据库,筛选有关针灸治疗CGN的临床研究类文献。采用Microsoft Excel 2019软件对腧穴的使用频次、腧穴的归经、腧穴的分布部位、特定穴的使用情况、干预方式进行描述性统计分析。分别采用SPSS Modeler 18.0、SPSS Statistics 26.0软件对高频腧穴(使用频次≥5次)进行关联规则分析和聚类分析。结果共纳入65篇文献,提取出65条处方,涉及33个腧穴。使用频次位居前三的腧穴为肾俞、足三里、脾俞,腧穴归经为足太阳膀胱经、任脉和足阳明胃经,腧穴涉及的部位为下肢部、腹部和腰部,腧穴归属的特定穴为背俞穴、五输穴和交会穴。关联规划分析结果显示,支持度位列前5的穴位组合为足三里→肾俞、脾俞→足三里、脾俞→肾俞、三阴交→肾俞、脾俞-肾俞→足三里。聚类分析得到3类腧穴组合:(1)太溪、肝俞、复溜、三阴交、气海、中脘、命门;(2)肾俞、脾俞、足三里、阴陵泉;(3)关元、神阙。结论针灸治疗CGN多以补益肝脾肾和化湿为原则,其核心腧穴为肾俞、脾俞、足三里。临床采用针灸治疗CGN时应根据患者的具体病情辨证配穴。

ObjectiveTo explore the rules of acupoint selection of acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN) by using data mining technique. MethodsLiterature related to clinical research on acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of CGN was screened by retrieving the databases of China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Database Knowledge Service Platform, VIP, China Biology Medicine disc, PubMed, Embase, and The Cochrane Library, etc. The Microsoft Excel 2019 software was used to perform descriptive statistical analysis on the frequency of acupoint use, acupoint meridians, acupoint distribution, use status of specific acupoint, and intervention means. The SPSS Modeler 18.0 and SPSS Statistics 26.0 software were used to perform association rule analysis and cluster analysis on the high frequency of acupoint (frequency of use≥5 times). ResultsA total of 65 literature was enrolled, extracting 65 prescriptions, concerning 33 acupoints. The top three use frequency of acupoints were Shenshu (BL23), Zusanli (ST36) and Pishu (BL20), and the top three use frequency of acupoint meridians were mainly urinary bladder meridian of foot-taiyang, conception vessel, and stomach meridian of foot-taiyang, as well as the top three use frequency of location of acupoints involved were lower extremities, abdomen and waist; in addition, the top three use frequency of specific acupoints of acupoints belonged to were back-shu point, five-shu point and crossing point. The results of association rule analysis revealed that the top 5 acupoint combinations with the highest support degree were Zusanli (ST36)→Shenshu (BL23), Pishu (BL20)→Zusanli (ST36), Pishu (BL20)→Shenshu (BL23), Sanyinjiao (SP6)→Shenshu (BL23), Pishu (BL20)-Shenshu (BL23)→Zusanli (ST36). Three categories of acupoint combinations were obtained by cluster analysis as follows: (1) Taixi (KI3), Ganshu (BL18), Fuliu (KI7), Sanyinjiao (SP6), Qihai (BL24), Zhongwan (RN12), and Mingmen (DU4), (2) Shenshu (BL23), Pishu (BL20), Zusanli (ST36), Yinlingquan (SP9), (3) Guanyuan (BL26) and Shenque (RN8). ConclusionFor the treatment of CGN with acupuncture and moxibustion, the principle is to tonify liver, spleen, kidney, and to remove dampness. The core acupoints are Shenshu (BL23), Pishu (BL20) and Zusanli (ST36). Dialectic auxiliary acupoint selection should be conducted according to patients′ specific illness when employing acupuncture and moxibustion for the treatment of CGN in clinics.






