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论著.中医药与民族医药诊疗 | 更新时间:2024-09-24
Medication rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of periarthritis humeroscapularis based on data mining technique

广西医学 页码:1208-1216




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目的 基于数据挖掘技术分析中药治疗肩周炎的用药规律。方法 计算机检索中国知网、维普资讯中文期刊服务平台、万方数据知识服务平台,收集中药内外治法治疗肩周炎的临床研究文献,检索时间为2010年1月至2023年9月。对涉及的药物进行使用频次统计、性味归经功效频次统计、关联规则分析、聚类分析。结果 (1)筛选出中药内服治疗肩周炎244条处方,功效以补虚药、祛风湿药多见,药性以温性为主,药味以苦味、辛味为主,主要归肝经、脾经、肾经。关联规则分析得到二联药物组合5组,三联药物组合8组,四联药物组合1组,核心药物包括甘草、白芍、当归、川芎、防风、黄芪、桂枝、细辛等。聚类分析得到3个有效聚类群。(2)筛选出中药外治治疗肩周炎245条处方,功效以祛风湿药、活血化瘀药多见,药性以温性为主,药味以苦味、辛味居多,主要归肝经、脾经、肾经。关联规则分析得到二联药物组合4组,三联药物组合5组,核心药物包括草乌、川乌、没药、乳香、羌活、红花等。聚类分析得到5个有效聚类群。结论 中药内服治疗肩周炎主要以葛根汤与独活寄生汤两方化裁,以外感为主要原因导致的肩周炎可选用葛根汤加减,以肝肾不足为主要病因所致的肩周炎可选用独活寄生汤加减。对于中药外治,则多选用活血化瘀药、祛风湿药、解表药相配伍,从而改善患者症状。

Objective To analyze the medication rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of periarthritis humeroscapularis based on data mining technique. Methods Clinical research literature of oral use and application therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for the treatment of periarthritis humeroscapularis was collected by retrieving China National Knowledge Infrastructure, VIP, Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, and the retrieval time was from January, 2010 to September, 2023. Use frequency statistics, use frequency statistics of property, flavor, meridian and effect, and analyses of association rule and cluster were performed on concerning drugs. Results (1) A total of 244 prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine oral use for the treatment of periarthritis humeroscapularis. The effects were mainly drugs of tonifying deficiency and expelling wind-dampness, properties of drugs were mainly warm, flavors of drugs were mainly bitter and acrid, and meridians mainly belonged to liver meridian, spleen meridian, and kidney meridian. The association rule analysis obtained 5 groups of two⁃drug combination, 8 groups of three⁃drug combination, and 1 group of four⁃drug combination; furthermore, the core drugs contained licorice, Radix paeoniae alba, Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong rhizoma, Saposhnikoviae radix, Hedysarum multijugum, Cinnamomi ramulus, and Asari radix et rhizoma, etc. The cluster analysis acquired 3 groups of effective clusters. (2) A total of 245 prescriptions of Traditional Chinese Medicine application therapy for the treatment of periarthritis humeroscapularis were screened out. The effects were mainly drugs of expelling wind⁃dampness and promoting blood circulation to remove stagnation, properties of drugs were mainly warm, flavors of drugs were mainly bitter and acrid, and meridians mainly belonged to liver meridian, spleen meridian, and kidney meridian. The association rule analysis obtained 4 groups of two⁃drug combination, and 5 groups of three⁃drug combination; furthermore, the core drugs included Aconitum kusnezoffii reichb, Aconiti radix, Myrrha, Olibanun, Notopterygii rhizoma et radix, and Carthami flos, etc. The cluster analysis acquired 5 groups of effective clusters. Conclusion Gegen Decoction and Duhuo Jisheng Decoction are the main Traditional Chinese Medicines which are used for the oral treatment of periarthritis humeroscapularis. Modified Gegen Decoction can be selected to treat periarthritis humeroscapularis mainly caused by external infection, and modified Duhuo Jisheng Decoction can be used for the treatment of periarthritis humeroscapularis mainly caused by liver and kidney insufficiency. For application therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, drugs with combination of herbal ingredients of promoting blood circulation to remove stagnation, expelling wind⁃dampness, and releasing exterior are mainly selected, so as to ameliorate patients' symptoms.






