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论著·卫生经济与政策 | 更新时间:2024-12-30
Spatial distribution characteristics and efficiency evaluation of resources of Guangxi private hospitals based on GIS⁃three stage DEA model

广西医学 页码:1727-1734




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目的 分析广西民营医院资源空间分布特征及运行效率,为提高广西民营医院的投入产出效率及优化医疗资源配置提供实证依据。方法 选取80所广西民营医院作为样本医院,运用地理信息系统和三阶段数据包络分析(DEA)模型对广西民营医院资源进行空间分布特征分析和效率评价。结果 (1)调整前,80所样本医院的综合效率均值、纯技术效率均值及规模效率均值分别为0.608、0.785、0.762,其中,14家样本医院达到总体有效和规模有效,27家样本医院达到技术有效。(2)三阶段DEA调整前,样本医院纯技术效率均值高于规模效率均值,在排除环境因素影响后,样本医院的综合效率均值和纯技术效率均值有所上升,达到技术有效的样本医院增至31家,规模效率均值有所下降。(3)调整前后均有66家样本医院未达到总体有效和规模有效,且均有52家样本医院规模报酬递增,14家医院规模报酬递减。(4)从医院类型来看,调整后眼科医院、综合医院、骨科医院、康复医院及妇产医院的各项效率均值较调整前变化较小,中医医院纯技术效率均值显著增长,精神病医院纯技术效率均值显著下降。(5)从地区来看,调整后百色市样本医院的纯技术效率提升两个梯队,百色市样本医院的综合效率、规模效率,南宁市样本医院的综合效率、纯技术效率,柳州市样本医院的综合效率、纯技术效率、规模效率,以及贺州市样本医院的纯技术效率均提升一个梯度,仅有玉林市样本医院的规模效率下降了一个梯队。结论 广西民营医院的发展不均衡,不同类型、不同地区民营医院在资源分布、运行效率上存在差异,规模效率和技术管理水平有待提升,环境因素影响明显。建议广西民营医院应以患者为中心,合理配置医疗资源,提高技术管理水平,增强运营质效,实现规模经济和特色发展。同时,相关卫生健康行政部门应优化民营医院发展的外部环境,推动广西民营医院的高质量发展。

Objective To analyze the spatial distribution characteristics and operational efficiency of resources of Guangxi private hospitals, so as to provide empirical evidence for improving the input⁃output efficiency of Guangxi private hospitals and optimizing the allocation of medical resources. Methods A total of 80 Guangxi private hospitals were selected as sample hospitals. The geographic information system and three⁃stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) model were employed to perform spatial distribution characteristics analysis and efficiency evaluation on resources of Guangxi private hospitals. Results (1) Before the adjustment, the average values of comprehensive efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency among the 80 sample hospitals were 0.608, 0.785 and 0.762, respectively, therein 14 sample hospitals achieved overall effectiveness and scale effectiveness, and 27 sample hospitals achieved technical effectiveness. (2) Before the three⁃stage DEA adjustment, the average value of pure technical efficiency of the sample hospitals was higher than that of scale efficiency. After excluding the influence of environmental factors, the average values of comprehensive efficiency and pure technical efficiency of the sample hospitals increased, and the number of sample hospitals achieving technical effectiveness increased to 31, while the average value of scale efficiency decreased. (3) Before and after the adjustment, 66 sample hospitals failed to achieve overall effectiveness and scale effectiveness, and 52 sample hospitals had increasing returns to scale, while 14 hospitals had decreasing returns to scale. (4) In terms of hospital types, after the adjustment, the average values of various efficiency of ophthalmology hospital, general hospital, orthopedic hospital, rehabilitation hospital and maternity hospital changed little as compared with before the adjustment; furthermore, the average value of pure technical efficiency of hospital for Traditional Chinese Medicine increased significantly, while that of psychiatric hospital decreased significantly. (5) In terms of regions, after the adjustment, the pure technical efficiency of sample hospitals in Baise increased by two echelons. The comprehensive efficiency and scale efficiency of Baise sample hospitals, the comprehensive efficiency, pure technical efficiency of Nanning sample hospitals, and the comprehensive efficiency, pure technical efficiency, and scale efficiency of Liuzhou sample hospitals, as well as pure technical efficiency of Hezhou sample hospitals all increased by one echelon, while only the scale efficiency of Yulin sample hospitals decreased by one echelon. Conclusion The development of Guangxi private hospitals is uneven. There are differences in resource distribution and operational efficiency among different types and regions of private hospitals. Scale efficiency and technical management level need to be improved, therein environmental factor exerts a significant effect. It is suggested that Guangxi private hospitals should be patient⁃oriented, rationally allocate medical resources, improve technical management level, enhance operation quality and efficiency, and achieve scale economy and characteristic development; simultaneously, relevant health administrative departments should optimize the external environment for the development of private hospitals, and promote the high⁃quality development of private hospitals in Guangxi.






