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论著.中医药与民族医药诊疗 | 更新时间:2025-01-21
Acupoints use rules of acupuncture for the treatment of sudden deafness based on data mining and complex network analysis techniques: an exploration study

广西医学 页码:1891-1896




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目的 通过数据挖掘及复杂网络分析技术总结针刺治疗突发性聋的用穴规律。方法 检索中国知网、维普资讯中文期刊服务平台、万方数据知识服务平台中针刺治疗突发性聋的相关文献,建立针刺治疗突发性聋的处方数据库。应用Microsoft Excel 2021软件对腧穴数目、归经、特定穴进行描述性统计分析,应用SPSS Modeler 18.0软件进行关联规则分析,应用Gephi v0.9.2网络分析软件进行复杂网络拓扑分析及核心节点分析。结果 筛选并纳入文献112篇,包含选穴处方176首,涉及腧穴93个。高频腧穴为听宫、翳风、听会等腧穴,足少阳胆经涉及的腧穴数目最多(15个),手少阳三焦经涉及的腧穴总频次最高(437次)。93个腧穴中,有77个腧穴属于特定穴,其中五输穴的腧穴数目最多(27个)、总频次最高(469次)。关联规则分析得出11条关联规则,其中翳风-侠溪支持度最高,听宫、翳风、听会等腧穴为核心腧穴。复杂网络拓扑分析提示腧穴之间配伍较多,核心节点分析得到26个核心腧穴,除听宫、翳风、听会等基础选穴外,还包括足三里、三阴交、太冲、外关、太溪等腧穴。结论 针刺治疗突发性聋以听宫、翳风、听会为基础选穴,侧重循经取穴及远端取穴,辅以辨证配穴,治疗效果明显。

Objective To summarize the acupoints use rules of acupuncture for the treatment of sudden deafness based on data mining and complex network analysis techniques. Methods Literature related to acupuncture for the treatment of sudden deafness through retrieving China National Knowledge Infrastructure, VIP, Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform, and the prescriptions database of acupuncture for the treatment of sudden deafness was established. The Microsoft Excel 2021 software was employed to perform descriptive statistical analysis on acupoints number, meridians, specific acupoints. The SPSS Modeler 18.0 software was used to perform association rule analysis, and the Gephi v0.9.2 network analysis software was employed to perform complex network topology analysis and core node analysis. Results A total of 112 literature was screened and enrolled, concerning 176 prescriptions of acupoints selection and 93 acupoints. The high⁃frequency acupoints were Tinggong (SI19), Yifeng (TE17), and Tinghui (G2), etc. The number of acupoints involved in gallbladder meridian of foot⁃Shaoyang was the highest (15 acupoints), and the total frequency of acupoints involved in triple energizer meridian of hand⁃Shaoyang was the highest (437 times). Among 93 acupoints, 77 acupoints belonged to specific acupoints, of which the number of acupoints in the five⁃shu point was the highest (27 acupoints), and the total frequency was also the highest (469 times). The association rule analysis obtained 11 association rules, among which “Yifeng⁃Xiaxi” exerted the highest support degree, and Tinggong (SI19), Yifeng (TE17), and Tinghui (G2), etc., were the core acupoints. The complex network topology analysis suggested that there was more compatibility among acupoints, and 26 core acupoints were obtained from core node analysis, except for basic acupoints selection such as Tinggong (SI19), Yifeng (TE17), and Tinghui (G2), also containing acupoints such as Zusanli (S36), Sanyinjiao (SP6), Taichong (LR3), Waiguan (TE5), and Taixi (K3). Conclusion Acupuncture for the treatment of sudden deafness regards Tinggong (SI19) Yifeng (TE17), Tinghui (G2) as basic acupoints selection, focusing on selecting acupoint along meridians and selecting remote acupoints, supplemented by acupoints compatibility based on syndrome differentiation, and the therapeutic effect is obvious.






