Since the first local case of AIDS was reported in 1996 in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (abbreviated as Guangxi), the epidemic has spread rapidly, and the situation of prevention and control of AIDS is very serious. Therefore, since 2010, Guangxi has carried out the fortification project of prevention and control of AIDS (abbreviated as anti⁃AIDS) in the whole region, and remarkable results have been achieved. At present, Guangxi has entered a new journey of the anti⁃AIDS fortification project, but the anti⁃AIDS is a long⁃term, complex and arduous livelihood project. This paper focuses on the current status of AIDS prevention and control, the epidemic situation and characteristics of AIDS, the innovative scientific prevention and treatment achievements of AIDS, the main problems and challenges faced by anti⁃AIDS works in Guangxi, and puts forward suggestions for the next step of anti⁃AIDS works, so as to complete various tasks of the third round of anti⁃AIDS fortification project in Guangxi on time, and realize the goal of “ending AIDS by 2030” proposed by WHO as soon as possible.