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| 更新时间:2025-01-21
Influencing factors for the occurrence of AIDS⁃related high⁃risk sexual behavior of the rural elderly in Guangxi

广西医学 页码:1807-1814

作者机构:马平,本科,副主任医师,研究方向为慢性疾病防治及管理。 廖龙玉为共同第一作者。



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目的 了解广西农村老年人发生AIDS相关高危性行为的影响因素。方法 采用方便抽样方法抽取广西5个区县的农村老年人(≥50岁)作为研究对象,并进行问卷调查,收集其基本人口学信息、社会支持情况、AIDS知识知晓率、AIDS预防服务史、成瘾类物质滥用史、高危性行为发生情况等。使用多因素Logistic回归模型分析广西农村老年人发生AIDS相关高危性行为的影响因素。结果 最终纳入1 288名农村老年人进行调查,其中512名(39.75%)老年人在过去1年内发生AIDS相关高危性行为,男性老年人的发生率约为女性老年人的2.04倍。在男性老年人中,已婚、文化程度为初中及以上、不知晓AIDS知识与较低的AIDS相关高危性行为发生风险相关,汉族、有成瘾类物质滥用史与较高的AIDS相关高危性行为发生风险相关(P<0.05)。在女性老年人中,社会支持水平为中等水平及以上、不知晓AIDS知识与较低的AIDS相关高危性行为发生风险相关,职业为家庭主妇或待业与较高的AIDS相关高危性行为发生风险相关(P<0.05)。结论 广西农村老年人的AIDS相关高危性行为发生率较高,应重点关注文化程度较低的老年人、有成瘾类物质滥用史的男性老年人、职业为家庭主妇或待业的女性老年人等。建议通过社区参与和同伴教育等措施,帮助农村老年人建立正确性观念,减少高危性行为,降低HIV感染风险。

Objective To understand the influencing factors for the occurrence of AIDS⁃related high⁃risk sexual behavior of the rural elderly in Guangxi. Methods The rural elderly (age ≥50 years) from 5 districts and counties in Guangxi were selected as the research subjects by employing the convenient sampling method. Questionnaire investigation was performed to collect research subjects' general demographic information, social support states, AIDS knowledge awareness rate, service history of AIDS prevention, history of addictive substance abuse, and occurrence status of high⁃risk sexual behavior, etc. The multivariate Logistic regression model was used to analyze the influencing factors for the occurrence of AIDS⁃related high⁃risk sexual behavior of the rural elderly in Guangxi. Results A total of 1288 rural elderly were finally investigated, with 512 (39.75%) reporting AIDS⁃related high⁃risk sexual behavior within the past year. The incidence rate in the male elderly was 2.04 times higher than that in the female elderly. The male elderly being married, with junior high school or higher educational level, and with AIDS knowledge unacquaintance were related to the low occurrence risk of AIDS⁃related high⁃risk sexual behavior, whereas Han nationality, presence of addictive substance abuse history were related to the high occurrence risk of AIDS⁃related high⁃risk sexual behavior (P<0.05). The female elderly with medium level or higher social support level, AIDS knowledge unacquaintance were related to the low occurrence risk of AIDS⁃related high⁃risk sexual behavior, while the female elderly with occupations of housewife or job⁃waiting was related to the high occurrence risk of AIDS⁃related high⁃risk sexual behavior (P<0.05). Conclusion  The incidence rate of AIDS⁃related high⁃risk sexual behavior of the rural elderly in Guangxi is relatively high. More attention should be paid to the elderly with lower educational level, the male elderly with a history of addictive substance abuse, and the female elderly with occupations of housewife or job⁃waiting, etc. It is suggested that community participation and peer education should be used to help the rural elderly establish correct sexual concepts, reduce high⁃risk sexual behavior and reduce the risk of HIV infection.






