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论著.中医药与民族医药诊疗 | 更新时间:2024-01-10
Medication rule of Traditional Chinese and Zhuang Medicine of Huang Guodong Professor for treating renal edema based on real-world data mining

广西医学 2023第45卷20期 页码:2475-2480



  • 中文简介
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目的采用真实世界数据挖掘技术分析黄国东教授治疗肾性水肿的中壮药用药规律。方法收集2020年1月至2023年2月黄国东教授治疗198例肾性水肿患者的处方。采用Microsoft Excel 2019软件建立处方数据库,应用古今医案云平台V2.3.5对处方信息进行频次分析、关联规则分析、聚类分析、复杂网络分析。结果共纳入治疗肾性水肿的有效处方112首,包含128味中壮药。使用频次排名前5的药物为肾茶、黄花参、女贞子、猪殃殃、旱莲草;药性以平性、温性、寒性为主;药味以甘味、苦味、辛味为主;药物归经以肝经、肾经、脾经为主;使用频次排名前3的功效为利水渗湿、清热解毒、清热利湿。药物关联规则分析共得到15条不同药物组合的关联规则,支持度排名前3的为“旱莲草-女贞子”“肾茶-黄花参”“肾茶-猪殃殃”。聚类分析共得到4个聚类组合。112首有效处方的核心药物是女贞子、旱莲草、肾茶、黄花参、猪殃殃、黄芪、大枣、茵陈、甘草、茯苓、炒薏苡仁、三七、熟大黄。结论黄国东教授治疗肾性水肿的中壮药用药以清热利湿、利水渗湿、活血化瘀为主,兼以扶正补虚、健脾益气、固肾涩精、补益肝肾。
ObjectiveTo analyze the medication rule of Traditional Chinese and Zhuang Medicine of Huang Guodong Professor for treating renal edema by employing real-world data mining technique. MethodsPrescriptions from Huang Guodong Professor for treating 198 patients with renal edema were collected from January 2020 to February 2023. The database of prescriptions was established by employing the Microsoft Excel 2019 software. The cloud platform of Gujin Yian V2.3.5 was use to perform analyses of frequency, association rule, cluster, and complex network on prescriptions messages. ResultsA total of 112 effective prescriptions for the treatment of renal edema were enrolled, involving 128 flavors of Traditional Chinese and Zhuang Medicines. The top 5 most frequently used drugs were Orthosiphon aristatus, Polygala fallax, Ligustrum lucidum, Galium spurium, and Eclipta prostrata, drug properties were mainly moderate, warm, and cold, drug flavors were mainly sweet, bitter, and acrid, drug meridians were mainly liver meridian, renal meridian, and spleen meridian; furthermore, the top 3 most frequently used effects were urine excretion to strain off dampness, heat and toxic materials clearing, and heat clearing to remove dampness. A total of 15 association rules of different drug combinations were obtained by the drug association rule analysis, and the top 3 in support degree were Eclipta prostrata-Ligustrum lucidum, Orthosiphon aristatus-Polygala fallax, and Orthosiphon aristatus-Galium spurium. A total of 4 cluster combinations were acquired by the cluster analysis. The core drugs of 112 effective prescriptions were Ligustrum lucidum, Eclipta prostrata, Orthosiphon aristatus, Polygala fallax, Galium spurium, Hedysarum multijugum, Jujubae fructus, Artemisiae scopariae herba, Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Poria cocos, Coix lacryma-jobi, Panax notoginseng, and Radix rehmanniae preparata. ConclusionMedications of Traditional Chinese and Zhuang Medicine of Huang Guodong Professor for treating renal edema are mainly heat clearing to remove dampness, urine excretion to strain off dampness, and blood circulation promoting to remove stagnation, and at the same time the healthy qi reinforcing and deficiency tonifying, the spleen invigorating and qi replenishing, the kidney reinforcing to control seminal emission, and the liver and kidney tonifying.






